31 Jul My Marketing Internship of a Lifetime
Honestly, I don’t even know where to start. My life, world and philosophy has completely changed because of this marketing internship. So this isn’t just a blog for me, it’s a thank you letter.
Thank you Embark Marketing for giving me a chance. I came into this marketing internship as a senior, ready to graduate from Our Lady of the Lake University, and also as an athlete. For those that don’t know, being a college athlete is tough. Your schedule is pretty hectic with practice, early morning workouts, and games. But, Kim saw past this and brought me onto her team. She understood my crazy schedule and worked with me every step of the way.
Thank you Embark Marketing for teaching me, school isn’t enough. My professors always told me that experience was, and still is, the most crucial asset to have on your resume. I didn’t believe them until I started at Embark Marketing. Once I started working, I realized how much school didn’t teach me. They didn’t teach me how to use WordPress, or how to schedule social media. They just taught me fancy words and the basic structure of marketing. There were no theories, or hypothesis. There was real life action and situations. Now don’t get me wrong, my education was amazing. But, if I were to rely on just that, I would be lost when it came to reality. Kim became my Aladdin as she showed me the world of marketing.
Thank you Embark Marketing for preparing me. This marketing internship gave me my foundation. I’ve had other internships, but nothing prepared me more for my future than this encounter. Kim took the time to teach me everything. She recognized my strengths and weaknesses and gave me the tools to improve both. Now I have proof of the work I’m capable of. I also have the ability to show real life projects that I did from start to finish, all with the help of Kim. To me, this is a huge asset for potential employers. They’ll be able to see I can do more than just Public Relations. I can do social media management, website development, content creation, photography and videography (and that’s just to name a few).
Thank you Embark Marketing for inspiring me. During my time at this marketing internship, I saw a drive to always improve. This drive was so inspiring to me as I saw Kim work her butt off for something she loved. I became so enraptured by this marketing internship that I actually created my own blog. I wanted to have something I loved and created to apply my own drive. Tah dah! Books and Drinks was established. I would have never thought of this before Embark Marketing, but thanks to Kim, I’ve been able to explore my own passion.
Thank you Embark Marketing for teaching me life lessons. We all go through life looking for a mentor who will tell us when were being brilliant or being completely stupid, and we’ll I found mine. Kim taught me to explore, love, learn and work hard even when no one is looking. When I met Kim she was about to take off for Argentina (which you can read about her trip here). When she came back, she passed the travel bug to me. I want to experience the culture, life and food of others around me. Also, Kim would advise me through her life events as well to help me make better decisions on mine. For example, I’m currently returning to school to start on my masters degree and luckily, Kim has been there to guide me through everything. We’ve even discussed what my thesis is going be.
So, as you can see, this marketing internship was way more than an addition to my resume. My future is bright because of the help I received from Kim. If your looking for an internship of a lifetime, stop reading this and contact Embark Marketing. Tell her PJ sent you. Oh, and to leave you with a smile, here’s a montage about my time in my marketing internship. Feel free to laugh.